If you are looking for a damage build with fire, try this.
Expertise 13
Fire Magic 9
Marksmanship 9
Wilderness 12
Marksmanship is JUST for the bow, no marksmanship skills are used
Bow +15%>50% Life, Customize 20%, Half Moon/Composite works well
Quick Shot {E}
Dual Shot
Kindle Arrows / Ignite Arrows
Conjure Flame
Distracting Shot, JIC
Troll Unguent
Mark of Rodgort
Glyph of lesser Energy / Favorable Winds / Res Sig
Res Sig is a MUST in PvP!
MoR is not necessary and can be replaced by any defensive stance, or Favorable Winds if you'd like. Tiger Fury isn't really necessary while using QS and this build lets you get the most out of your attribute points. Expertise is a must have as a ranger.